As a product manager, it's essential to have a variety of mental models to make informed decisions and develop successful products. In this blog, we explore six crucial mental models for product managers, including the Jobs to be Done framework π, Lean Startup π, Design Thinking π¨, Kano Model π‘, Product-Market Fit π―, and AARRR (Pirate Metrics) ⚓. By understanding these models, product managers can create products that meet customers' needs and expectations, monitor the product's performance, and make necessary changes to stay ahead of the competition. Jobs to be Done (JTBD) The Jobs to be Done framework is an approach that focuses on understanding the specific needs and jobs that customers are trying to accomplish with a product. As a product manager, understanding the customers' jobs can help in building and refining the product in a way that solves the customers' problems. For instance, a Google search customer's job might be to find relevant and accurate...